Arianne spent her first 18 years growing up west of Toronto in Guelph, Ontario. She attended a small elementary and high school that placed a high value on community and building relationships. She was part of multiple councils and a co-leader of the Student Ambassadors at her high school. When she wasn’t in school or with friends, you could find Arianne spending time with kids and dreaming about becoming a mom. She spent her teenage years babysitting for six families in her neighbourhood and multiple families from her church. 

Arianne moved to Toronto after graduating high school to pursue a degree in engineering at the University of Toronto. After completing a year and a half, she decided to step back and pursue other career paths. Still dreaming of becoming a mom, Arianne found her calling and became a nanny to three children under three. Her time with this young family reminded her of her love for children and passion for creating family harmony. Arianne has returned to school to pursue a diploma in social service work. Hooray for new beginnings!! 


Arianne is the coordinator of the children's program at HFG as she loves creating, planning, and organizing activities. She is also a Crisis Responder for Kids Help Phone and finds great reward in walking alongside texters to find calmness during a time of crisis.



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