Leonie was born and raised in Kingston, Jamaica. Always adventurous, she left Jamaica in her early 20s to run a health and fitness club in Marbella, Spain, despite not knowing any Spanish. Three years later, Leonie moved to Canada, where she tried her hand at many lines of work including server, bartender, event security, early childhood educator, secretary, administrative professional and law clerk.


Leonie is a survivor of an abusive relationship. She likes to say that she had lots of big dreams and goals and none of them included being abused because she was too smart and wise. 


Leonie founded HFG Happy Families Support Network Inc. (HFG) in 2012 as a support group for women and children who have experienced abuse. In the almost nine years over 1100 families have been served and the roster of families receiving active support at any given time numbers approximately 50. One of the insidious aspects of abuse is the damage it does to a woman’s sense of self. HFG helps women, teens and children overcome this damage and move more confidently into the world to realize their true potential.

If you would like to have Leonie present to your Organization, please contact her at leonie@hfgfamilies.com




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